A while back I wrote a Maya-style python script editor for Unreal, after a few requests to share it on the marketplace I’ve packaged it up and put it on FAB.

Compiled for 4.27-5.5
I’ve tested on Windows and mac but “should” work on linux, let me know if it doesn’t work on a specific platform and I’ll fix/add when I can.

FAB: Python Script Editor

What it is:

This is a multi-tab python “scratchpad” to assist in writing and debugging scripts in Unreal, the tabs can be stored inside a project or locally (So you don’t lose them across projects)
It is written using Slate/C++ so no external dependencies required other than the built in PythonEditor plugin.

It supports custom snippets and has convenient hotkeys (like tab complete, prettyprint selected, help(selected), etc)

What it isn’t:

It is not a fully fledged code editor, those already exist.




I’ve set it at $7.99 – $9.99, this is an unlimited seat license (I don’t care what fab says, install it where you want, extend it, whatever.)

Bugs/Feature Requests:

Everyone works different, I may have missed something. If something doesn’t work right, contact me through the site and I’ll take a look as soon as I can.
Adding features is easy, getting it through fab… takes a while.

Side note:
Epic wouldn’t let me use FontAwesome Icons so I changed them but haven’t updated the screenshots.

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