A while back I started working on a few custom viewport tools for Blender and Houdini, but I just can’t find the time these days to give them the attention they need.
A few have approached me for tutorials or commissions based on these as well, but I don’t have time for that either.

So rather than let this code rot away in my ever growing drive of unfinished projects I’ve decided to release the source in case it helps someone else make something cool.

There are two repositories as a part of this code, this is specifically done so I can license the main source under MIT while only the blender specific implementation has to be GPL.
This allows the code to be used in studio environments or in other DCCs like Maya/Houdini.

The core API is stored here:

The Blender specific implementation is here:

There is an example showing how to use it here:

You can get all sorts of fancy with this, here is a more complex addon I made for viewing and editing animation curves in the viewport:

And a variation with camera aim control:

I had planned to include this prototype in the repository as well as it got more interest than I anticipated but honestly the code is terrible and is still on an older iteration of the API.

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